My First Intern

Reflections on My Sullair Internship

Today marks the end of my two-week stint at Sullair, and it’s been an enlightening experience, albeit with its share of surprises. Here are some reflections I’d like to share:

Maintaining a Familiar yet Unfamiliar Distance

  • During my first lunch with the supervisor, he asked about my background, such as how I came to the United States. I provided brief answers, and he intuitively didn’t press further.
  • It seems typical in American workplaces to have a basic understanding of your background but not delve into personal specifics. It’s akin to LinkedIn profiles, filled with information yet not revealing much about the individual.

Taking Initiative

  • Initially assigned mundane tasks like downloading and uploading files daily, I proactively approached my female supervisor after the second day, inquiring about more challenging tasks.
  • Combining my expertise, she assigned me Power Apps development tasks. By showcasing my skills, she gradually entrusted me with more varied responsibilities and included me in different meetings.
  • My approach is simple: when current tasks aren’t fulfilling, learn new things while excelling at existing ones.

Cultivating Mindset

  • Despite my past experiences with public speaking nerves, attending a workshop last Thursday on product development and brainstorming sessions left me incredibly nervous.
  • I realized the need to work on my public speaking skills moving forward.

Simultaneously, I harbor some uncertainties. Are the tasks I’m currently engaged in beneficial for future job searches? Will I have the opportunity to explore new knowledge in the next two months? Can I establish myself here after the internship? Many doubts will only be answered next year or even later. Patience is key; let’s take it one step at a time.

Lastly, I’d like to share a quote I recently came across and fell in love with:

“I wish there was a way to know you were in the good old days before you actually left them.”

- Andy Bernard, The Office